May 29, 2010

Church of Nikon

You know how you buy something new, and immediately after, you start to see it everywhere?  That's how the topic of spirituality has been for me lately.  It seems everywhere I turn, someone is discussing what spirituality is and how you find it, obtain it, keep it, etc.  I'm not talking about church or organized religion, but that sense of well-being and balance, where you feel peaceful and whole.

It started last week when I went to an ayurvedic healing consultant. (I'm still not ready for full-blown western medicinal intervention, so I figured, what the hell.  Why not throw some money and time at the Indian methods of doing things?)  Of course, there was a whole portion of the 2-hour consultation dedicated to my spirituality and where I find it, etc. So when she asked me where I find that, I had an immediate answer... I have a camera.

And the more I thought about it, the happier that answer made me. Because I love looking at things around me and seeing the details.  I enjoy watching light bounce around a room, and waiting for it to hit just right.  I love the rush of snapping a picture and knowing I've just struck photographic gold.  I'm just glad I've got a husband who puts out his hand before I even know I'm going to be stepping on a tipsy chair to get on top of a rocky wall in 4" heels to get that one interesting shot. And I think it's awesome that I have a son who finds me in a crowd by looking for where the best photo vantage point is, because he knows that's where he'll find me.

I guess if Peter Griffin can start the First United Church of the Fonz, maybe I can be a part of the Church of Nikon.  (Father, Son and Holy Shutter?)

1 comment:

Indigo said...

I like your church, it sounds fun! :)