September 27, 2011

Bulletly Tuesday

  • The rain is showing no signs of slowing. And it's negatively affecting my mood.
  • The wind brought down some trees, which cut our power yesterday morning, and was out most of the day.
  • WE Energies said it came back on at 4:30, but the fruit leather cooking in the dehydrator was pretty dry and the fish were fine. So we're guessing it must have been on and off throughout the day.
  • Regardless, it was off when I was getting ready for work, and I was a little scary looking all day long.
  • I just celebrated 5 years with my company.
  • I got a $25 gift card as my thank you.
  • Beerman's comment was, "Don't spend it all in one place."
  • I can't believe all the amazingly generous comments and emails I got from yesterday's photo. Maybe this self-portrait thing will be fun!
  • New TV is back. I don't think Two and a Half Men is funny at all. And the appeal of  Dancing With the Stars is something I'll never get.
  • But I missed The Amazing Race this week. And that bums me out, because it's a house favorite.
  • I've been reading Harry Potter to C-man before bed. We just started the 4th book, which is where Cedric dies. He's seen the movies, but the books are so much more intense and descriptive. We'll see how it goes...
  • When I asked C-man what his favorite subject at school is, his response was, "Mass." Seriously? Why does he fight going on the weekends then? So when I questioned him further, he said, "It's nice to take a break from school and just be quiet." Huh. We've got a mini Buddha on our hands.
  • Oktoberfest is going on right now. Dang, that was a great time.
  • It also means it's Beer Festival season here at home. Beerman is captain judge again this week, of course. Which means he'll get more beer judge logo apparel. At least he leaves the beer glasses behind now. One house can only have so many beer glasses.
  • Which means this is the week people stop him to take their photos with him like he's a celebrity. Oh, the ego boost.
  • At least all my laundry is done. It was way overdue, unfortunately. Every load I brought up, Beerman would say, "More?!" Yes, honey, that's what happens when you ignore it for almost 2 weeks.
  • C-man is all into football now. He has to practice throwing and catching the ball every night. When it was raining, and we told him no because it was raining, he said, "But I'll have to play football in this, so I need to get used to it!" Seriously.


Bev Sykes said...

I don't suppose I should let you know it's going to be in the high 80s here today, huh?

Mary Z said...

I had fun working with your photo this morning. Please e-mail me your mailing address, and I'll send you the watercolor I did.

Mary Z said...

I'll get it in the mail by Thursday. It's not the greatest "likeness", but I'm happy with it. And I'll be doing something with it again. 8^)

Anonymous said...

Beerman here...
Hi love, I have received awesome 30th anniversary of GABF glassware for my judging appreciation gift. They will go great with OUR collection glasses.