October 4, 2011


Last week I started my 50 self-portraits project with this photo. And yesterday, I went out to my mailbox after getting home from work (after a really awfully long day) to see a simple, beautiful mailing tube sitting in it. And I ran into the house, narrowly missing throwing C-man aside on my way in the door, to open it because I knew exactly what it held inside. The amazing, generous, talented Mary had taken it upon herself to do a watercolor of my first self portrait. Me! Seriously, how marvelous is that?!?

There really are some amazing people in this world. I feel so incredibly blessed to meet them in one form or another each and every day. But today, I'm going to be beyond thankful for Mary as I try to figure out what type of frame suits my very own likeness.


Mary Z said...

I'm SO glad you like it - and thanks for posting the photo. Would you believe I forgot to take a picture before I sent it?

Kim said...

I love it too! I have always found watercolors to be difficult to work with, wow, it's beautiful! I can't wait to see it in person.

SarahinSC said...

Wow! What a great friend! BeautifuL!

Snowcatcher said...

She did a beautiful job, but she had great material to start with. That was a great self-portrait!