July 9, 2012

One of These Days

I woke up with the Foo Fighters "These Days" in my head. It was quickly replaced with "Call Me Maybe". Talk about a great day going south fast.

I am wearing a wedding ring today. My fingers are physically bruised from all the recent swelling. I have my regular rheumatologist appointment this week. He's going to love that.

I took some non-baseball-related photos, but now can't get my computer to recognize the memory card to get them off. So you are subjected to one more day of baseball. But baseball is over for the year, I promise.

The baseball blog I put up with the videos and pictures is at over 500 hits since Saturday morning. Not bad for a team of only 13 boys!

We had dinner at the neighbor's house last night. Her mom gave me a dozen roses. I have my very own Jewish mother now!

Yesterday I had to beg C-man to play with me. The downfall of being an only child - two parents looking for you to entertain them. He obliged by going mini golfing with me along with the neighbor kid. I bribed them both with ice cream. Tonight he's off to a baseball friend's house straight from camp. Someday I'll see my kid.

I made yogurt again yesterday. It was kind of cottage cheesy. I used 2% instead of whole milk and wonder if that was it. Or if it'll be okay once I strain the whey off. I know you're at the edge of your seat, so I'll keep you posted.

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