November 2, 2012

Going batty

  • Oh wow, am I glad it's Friday. It's a short day for C-man. Something I only realized yesterday. Oops. But at least Beerman already has a half-day to go get food from Costco for the rummage sale tomorrow and I'm working from home.
  • Have I mentioned how thrilled I am to not be working that school rummage sale this year? Just the recent emails to Beerman about food gave me hives. Seriously, it might have been the best.decision.ever.
  • Not best decision ever? Picking up another Nicholas Sparks novel. How do people continue to read that drivel? I don't know if I can make it to the end.
  • It might just rival the Mumford and Sons CD decision I bought. Little Lion Man? I Will Wait? Great songs. Everything else they sing - sounds exactly like those two songs. Over and over and over. Maddening.
  • All the tape and bandages around these stitches is now causing a disgusting, itchy rash. Thank God I have a whole pharmacy at my disposal in this house. I think the steroid cream is helping it. At least I don't want to claw my own skin off anymore. Just when I thought 11 stitches in my stomach couldn't look any grosser...
  • Wreck It Ralph opens tonight, and C-man has been dying to go. Since Skyfall opens next weekend and I'm expecting my family to attend the opening showing without a single complaint, I'll do this one.
  • Plus, C-man was super sweet this morning - all huggy and lovey. He even left an adorable note in the bathroom window steam for me to find. It made my heart all melty and hard to resist his request.
  • I've been kind of blown away by the donations I've gotten for the Jingle Bell Walk this year. I threw it out there on Facebook in a desperate plea for cash, and have had donations from old friends I haven't seen in years come my way. Even my favorite Jewish mother-in-law (next door neighbor's mother) gave me cash. Totally unexpected and humbling.
  • Obama and Katy Perry are doing a rally in town tomorrow. I got C-man and me some tickets and we're going to try to go to it. We'll see what kind of a madhouse it is and if we make it in.
  • We're supposed to go to a sacrament adoration meeting at 9:30 on Sunday morning. I get the whole first reconcilliation thing is supposed to be a big deal and all, but 9:30 on a Sunday morning? Sorry, folks. We'll be at the zoo jingling along.
  • And just in case you want to donate to the Jingle Bell Walk, just click HERE

1 comment:

l'empress said...

Have you ever been allergic to adhesive tape? I am, and I regularly remind all medical providers, even though it's on my medhist, because some of those people never read it.

You also might be sensitive to the dressing itself, depending on what it's made of.

It's really adding insult to injury!