April 15, 2013

Transformation point

I feel my vacation bubble slipping away. Almost as if each day that has passed and I integrated better into this timezone, my ozone layer of vacation happiness started to dissolve too. But normal life is, well, normal. So instead of fighting it, I'm trying really hard to maintain the calm. Because I simply cannot go back to where I was prior to vacation - working nonstop, stressed out beyond belief, not eating right, not sleeping, and not being very human.

So I've decided I need to take this little reminder and make it a transofrmation point. I'm trying to sleep (the best I can considering this crippling rainy weather). I'm eating my vegetables. (Beerman thinks my cucumber and tomato obsession is entertaining.) And I'm pounding vitamins. At work, I'm trying to be calmer, slower, and more methodical. At home, I'm trying really hard to keep things less cluttered, in better order, and the home just less full of stuff I don't want or need. If the weather would cooperate a bit more, I want to get outside and do some exercise. I guess we can't have it all.

But I can have my sanity. Vacation was a really nice reminder of what that feels like. And so, I ordered some Dead Sea mud. After all, it can't hurt, right?

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