May 9, 2013

Another day, another tie lost

  • Thursdays are school mass days. And since the 2nd graders had their first communion last weekend, they got to dress up again and go first. Super cute. Then we had a breakfast made for us after.
  • I have no idea where his tie is. He took it off between first communion and dinner, and it hasn't been seen since. We tore apart the house. I'm going to have to go with "the dog ate it" because I have no other solution as to where it could be. I wish I could say this is the first tie he's lost...
  • I'm chaperoning the class to the butterfly exhibit in the museum tomorrow. Sometimes I make rash decisions I later regret. 20 8 year olds and a big yellow bus... This may be regret that I'm feeling.
  • Still no ruling on the Orencia. I'm about ready to go beat down my insurance company's door because I can barely function lately.
  • I got in a fender bender about a week ago. It was totally my fault, but so minor - at probably 5 mph, it didn't even scratch my car. Now the guy is claiming damage to his car and injuries. Puh-leeze. Anyhow, my insurance company came to look at my car yesterday to make sure I wasn't lying about the no damage part. The inspector called me back to let me know he didn't see any damage either, but I think the real reason was to find out if I liked the car because he thought his wife might want one. That made me laugh.
  • Two baseball games this weekend. We are in full baseball stride as long as the rain holds off. At least there's no game on Mother's Day!
  • The good news about being a chaperone tomorrow is that I have the day off work. Ahhhh....

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