November 1, 2008

Ramping up

This morning I did Costco trip #1 and purchased a ton of food for next week. I'll have to make trip #2 for some fresh stuff on Thursday or Friday so I can feed all these people coming to start getting the roof put together. Now I just have to get the bed delivered on time so we're not sleeping on the floor. ************ It's pretty sad how quickly Riley is slowing down. This week, he only needed 2 doses of pain medication a day. Today, he needed a mid-day picker-upper because he wasn't putting weight on his back leg. I'm hoping it's just because we're home and he was moving more, but I don't think so. This is going to be fast. I know that some people don't understand why this all makes me so incredibly heartbroken. They hear about it and don't give it a second thought because, "He's just a dog," they'll say. And I guess I don't understand those people. Yes, he is a dog. But he's never been "just" a dog to me. So in the meantime, I'll do what I can to make his life worthwhile, including buying him a new bed today. So far, it's a hit. ************ I have a facial scheduled for today. Good thing, since this will probably be my last indulgence before we start paying for Riley's treatments. So that will make me happy. As does the creativity of C-man. This is his "bridge" for all his cars.

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