March 5, 2010


I think in a previous life, I was a world explorer. Because there's something about traveling the world, learning new things, meeting new people, drinking new beer or wine, eating new food, and moving on to the next adventure that makes me so incredibly happy that just thinking about it gives me shivers. And when I'm home for too long, it's like a nagging itch inside of me; a little whisper saying things like, "Indian saris and Thai water taxis and Egyptian camel rides and Tanzanian spices and Antartic whales and Greek Island sailboating and Patagonian gauchos and standing in Europe and Asia at the same time, and mmmm... New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc." I love the stories we get to live, and laugh about so long after... (frickin' noisy ibis!) Maybe it's the weather turning spring-like. Maybe it's that we've been sick and are finally turning the corner toward health. Maybe it's the work bonuses burning a hole in my pocket with all the possibilities it could bring. Or maybe I just need to become a travel writer. Because I'm never happier than when we're making new discoveries, seeing things firsthand, or just getting a different perspective on what the world has to offer.


Indigo said...

Gosh I wish I could travel, I'd love to! Someday....

Bev Sykes said...

Really beautiful photos. I don't exactly have wanderlust, but I AM looking forward to our trip to Russia in June!


Unknown said...
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Lindy said...

Sorry about that; I was signed in with the wrong account. Please let me re-post.


You would, no doubt, make an excellent travel writer.

BTW, I noticed your spring break comment at Indigo's blog. Thought this might possibly be of interest to you: