July 19, 2011

Because it's the only way I know how to blog anymore

  • The new shoes I'd ordered for my trip came. They're going back. One pair was too big, so I'm exchanging them for a smaller size. The other pair just looked manly. I cannot wear manly shoes, no matter how comfortable.
  • My new skirts came. One is getting exchanged because it was too big. At least that's a bonus of being off the really yuk meds - the midriff swelling is going away.
  • When Zappos says they deliver happiness, they aren't kidding. My replacement stuff should be here tomorrow!
  • We have to sign C-man up for winter baseball camp this week if he's going to get in to the good one. Seriously? It's 100 degrees out, and I have to worry about February baseball?
  • Our trip is going to mean I'll miss State Fair. The first time (sniffle) since I've lived in Milwaukee. And this year's tasty treat is deep fried butter. (sniffle)
  • I've decided I want to take a day trip to Kyoto while Beerman is working. Everything I've read is that it's a fabulous place. But there's also the floating gate. Oh, to photograph that...
  • It occurred to me this week that a good souvenir to get in Japan would be a new camera lens. You know, because a girl can never have too much pretty glass.
  • After 2 years of trying to get to my mom, my travel bug just got marked as missing in Ontario. So sad. Guess I'll have to send another one off on its way.
  • We picked up a travel bug while in New Mexico and cannot find it for the life of us. I feel really terrible about it.
  • Which reminds me to order a few trackables so we can send them off in Japan.
  • We're going to miss the big recall election while we're gone. We're voting absentee, but it does sadden me a bit to miss going to the polls. It's better than Christmas, voting is.
  • I got a new land line phone because Beerman absolutely hates our current one. I don't know why, because our land line was totally out for 2 weeks, and we didn't miss it a bit. Maybe once C-man is older and we don't need him to have a specific home phone anymore...
  • I really am digging my daily sweaty bike rides. I'm totally getting a new bike next spring.


Bev Sykes said...

I love Zappos!

jon said...

I like bullets.
Easy to read. Your blog style is fine with me.