May 2, 2008

The Presents are Coming! The Presents are Coming!

It's a little slice of heaven to come home each day and see that the UPS guy had been there earlier. I feel such a close and personal bond with UPS guy, that it's so nice to know that he has remembered my birthday. I haven't been able to open several of them, as instructed by Beerman, but I did get a fabulous set of dishes yesterday from my mom.


It's Friday, which is always delightful. I had breakfast with a co-worker this morning. When the day starts off with scrambled eggs, pancakes and bacon, what can go wrong? Well, maybe the impending storms of doom that are coming, but we'll worry about that later when I'm immobile.


Once upon a time, Hemingway was challenged to write someone's life story in 6 words. He did so, by writing: "For sale, baby shoes, never worn". A book has been created out of this, and it's popping up all over the web to create your own six-word memoir. I've been trying to figure mine out, but can't quite hit on it. So far, this is what I've got for drafts:

  • Having the time of my life
  • Fragile body, whole soul, uncertain future
  • Should have traveled the world more


Yesterday I took the Real Age test. It says I'm one year older than I really am. How can someone who never exercises and has an autoimmune disorder that means almost-certain lymphoma or leukemia later in life be considered only one year older than I am? I don't care if it was on Oprah. That test is bunk.

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