July 8, 2009

Right now, it's 4:56 on 7/8/09. In case you're not up like I am, you've got one more chance today to celebrate. Go nuts.


Jacquie said...

Sadly enough I was up as well!! At lease I am not alone in the world!!!


wineandroasts said...

I missed both opportunities by a mile. :o(

I am exactly the kind of dork who would have gotten COMPLETELY excited if I'd caught it.


wineandroasts said...

PS - LOVE the new banner!

Who needs Tommy Bartlett?! (may he and all the skiers - not to mention the lake - rest in peace).

Jennifer said...

Hey - the lake is back now! One out of 2 ain't bad...

Indigo said...

I was NOT up, but I was up for 7/8/09 10:11:12

Happy Mingling!