July 17, 2009

Lions, Penguins and Sponge Bob Oh My!

We started with the big cats. Mrs. Cheetah kept pacing in front of us like C-man was her food. The lion roared for us a lot. That was fun.
Then we met Rayna. And waved and said hi to her a lot.
Then he pretended he was Rayna. Then he had a Sponge Bob popscicle. WAY cooler than a Mickey Mouse ice cream. Until it fell on the ground while he was running away from me. Then it caused a lot of tears.
Then he wanted to go to see the fish. That lasted for about 5 seconds when his fish phobia kicked in, he screamed at the top of his lungs, and raced out of that building so fast I wasn't able to catch it on film. If I had, it would be a giant orange streak. Can someone explain to me how someone gets phobic of fish? To the point of not being able to even eat next to the fish tank at home. Despite nightly putting his arm, elbow deep in said fish tank to get the angel fish to nibble him? When he sits near them, he freaks out. Sigh...
And the best part of the zoo? Getting a $5 penguin on the way out. I figured I had to beat Grandma and Grandpa at something, so it might as well be a cheap stuffed animal. He named him Raji. When I asked why the penguin was Indian, he asked me what a better name would be. Since I couldn't think of any Antartican names, Raji seemed just fine.
The weekly CSA basket contained: peas, globe zucchnini, raddichio, a ton of spinach, dill, mixed greens, pole beans, spring onions, turnips and kohlarabi.

1 comment:

wineandroasts said...

Raji is a fine name, indeed! What an excellent little namer he is. When I was his age I was still naming cows, "Mr. Moo" and clowns, "Clownie."

PS - Rescued a little kitten yesterday, took him to the vet for shots and a good cleaning. When the receptionist asked his name, I said. "Francis."

"Francis? Really? For a kitten?"
"Yes, Francis. It's a Catholic thing." (The vets are RC and go to church with me - she must be Baptists...totally went over her head).