August 24, 2009

What's the worst thing about flying?

Is it that you have to take off your shoes and walk on top of God knows what fungus in security? Is it that you have to take off your belt so it doesn't beep the metal detectors, and then wait for all the old ladies who stand immediately at the end of the security belt, log jamming everyone else's stuff, while they put their crap slooooow-ly on instead of grabbing their stuff at the end of the belt and taking it to a chair out of the way? Is it the lack of any food, even crappy airline food, even though we're traveling almost 5 hours directly over lunchtime? Is it the crick in my neck from having to sit at an unnatural angle? Is it the guy who was sitting next to me who I thought was going to barf on me, but isntead got so sick he had to get up and request medical attention on the overhead page? (The good news is, no fewer than 7 people got up who were medically trained personnel. Apparently an anasthesiologist is attending to him. Good to know!) No, I'm pretty sure it's the fat old guy who just spilled an entire Coke on top of me. In the clothes I need to wear to go to work after I land. At least I'm wearing black. Sigh... How had I ever forgotten about how luxurious work travel can be?

1 comment:

wineandroasts said...

Oh, honey! I feel your pain! I don't know if Milwaukee is a Delta hub, but you can actually purchase a decent little meal on flights over 2 hours long.

It's easier to handle the barfer/spilled Coke if your stomach isn't growling...and if you buy an adult beverage as soon as drink service comes around!