July 1, 2010

365 days of peacefulness

There are days, and then there are days. Some people meditate.  Some people drink.  I have my camera.  And since I've started on this Project 365 quest of taking a photo to represent my day, every single day of my 34th year, it's forced me to really use my camera and look at everything as a possibility.

Some days I'm thrilled to take a billion photos of cool stuff around me.  And other days; long, hot, draining days filled with work and bronchitis even though I've taken amoxocillan and neti potted every day for 2 straight weeks, smelly traffic court, and a sick kid (like yesterday, perhaps), I am not at all interested in taking photos. I just want to go home and lie on my bed in a lump. I don't want to go anywhere interesting, and it feels like I've taken the same photo of the same thing a million times. I feel worn out and uninspired.  But because I've started this project, I'm going to finish it.

And the beauty of it is that every single time I feel this way, after 15 minutes in my gardens taking photos of the little things, trying to frame things in a new perspective, I gain a whole new feeling about my day.  Some days my photos are entirely technically unsound.  But it doesn't matter, because all the crap of the day becomes kind of laughable. Instead, I'm transported into a world where all that's important is the subtle beauty of pollen on a newly bloomed echinacea flower. And anything that can do that, is something I need to keep doing. (I swear I'm not trying to justify the 50mm lens I really want!)


Indigo said...

oh just by the 50mm lens because I can't wait to see the photos with it :)

Snowcatcher said...

The best part of such a projects is it forces you to see and create even when you aren't really in the mood. When the project is over, it's almost habit, and you never have to force yourself again. It just oozes out.

Plus, it's fun to watch you grow photographically.

Love your new banner! Made me smile!