July 10, 2010

My day went something like this...

Get up.  Make 3 different breakfasts for 3 different people.   Head to Target to get a birthday present for the neighbor kid's party.

Get home.  Listen to the dog bark at me.  He can't read or write, but somehow, he knows when it's Saturday...
Take the sassy puppy to the park.

Get home.  Eat lunch while doing some more geneology stuff.  Learn that Sir John Howard, my great (17 times) grandfather, was King Richard III's best friend. So much so, he walked in front of Richard, carrying the crown in for his coronation. (He later died on a battlefield with Richard by his side).

Go outside and pull weeds in the gardens.  Jump up and down when the mailman drives in the driveway with a package... my new 50 mm lens.  Take some pictures with the new lens.
Take the kid to the neighbor kid's birthday at the police station.  Watch Taking Chance. Cry.  A lot. (Regardless of what you think of our military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, it was really, really well done and worth the watch). Go get kid from the police station.  Listen to kid play his harmonica he got in his birthday goody bag. Think up some creative ways to torment the neighbors for including harmonicas in their goody bags.  Decide to go for a family bike ride using the new bike attachment. Beat the downpour by minutes.

Get ready to go get some pizza and then see Despicable Me, the movie C-man has be DYING to see for months. (Once he woke me up at 4 a.m. to ask me if we were going to go when it came out.)

All in all, a pretty nice Saturday if I do say so myself.

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