July 8, 2010

Back to the poor folk

Last night over dinner, Beerman went into explicit detail about exponential growth, and how by the time you get back 41 generations (Charlemagne), there are millions and millions and millions of people with the same ancestor.  What a complete and total buzz kill.  So much for any enthusiasm I had for that project. Not to mention my petitions for any royal jewels.  Although, I will still be making special note to celebrate the feast days of Saints Doda (April 24th), Arnulf (July 18th), Begga (September 6th), and Itta (May 8th) my 46th generation grandparents.

So I guess it's back to the poor people... Me.

C-man was supposed to have a game last night. It was pouring rain, so it was cancelled. I didn't really want to go sit out in that hot mugginess, but a part of me was a bit sad to not see him play because he likes it so much. So instead, I polished off the last 2 truffles out of the Sprungli box, and actually considered licking the truffle dust off the bottom of the box.  (I didn't) I guess it's time to go back to Switzerland to restock.

Today was my 7th and final Avelox pill and as of yesterday, I'm on an inhaler because I still can't fricking breathe. More steroids. Yippee.  Being my usual hypochondriac self, though, I'm diagnosing it as lung cancer.

The fireflies have been out at night.  It's so beautiful.  I tried to take pictures of them last night, but only got blurry shots, because I was too busy swatting the swarms of mosquitos that were threatening to eliminate my body of all blood.  Screw the killer bees, I'm pretty sure it's the mosquitos that are going to get me!

Since it's Thursday, it's CSA box day.  I'm going to remember to take a picture of this week's haul, I swear. Kohlrabi, cucumber, peas... mmmmm... I can't wait.


Indigo said...

Oh dear, lung cancer. You and my husband would go together so swell. He used to self diagnose like this ALL the time. I can't even remember all of his ailments, but one day he decided that he had had a stroke. (he didn't though, but what the drama)

I hope you start to feel better. I hear a puppy helps. :)

jon said...

So the uncle god thing we need not worry.
This is good news.

Tessa said...

usually my self diagnosis is some sort of mental illness - most recently being bipolar.
My newest daughter was born on 4/24!
It's been super muggy here in VA too! Last night we had a storm with some of the loudest thunder I've ever heard in my entire life, my husband agreed with that too.
Mingle Mingle!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I have had a headache and I have decided it's a tumor.
I know it's not, but it sounds more exciting.