August 16, 2006


I admit it. Fox has me hooked with its incredibly cheesy summer reality shows. At least Hells Kitchen went to the right chef, even if they were both incredibly dull. But tonight is my favorite little addiction, So You Think You Can Dance. I'm soooo cheering for Heidi, but I know Travis will win, because the judges totally tilted it in his favor. Beerman's flight from Portland lands at 6:30, so by the time he gets his baggage and we get home, it'll be after 7. I should still be able to make the good stuff since it's dragged out over 2 hours. In other news, I have had no less than 4 people at my work today say, "I'm glad I'm not you," or, "Thank God I don't have your job." Yeah, things are going splendidly these days. It makes me rethink why I feel I need a "career". But as Daddy always said, that's why they call it work not fun! At least I have pilates at 3 p.m., which always makes me feel good. Now I'm off to go dream about being on a beach far, far away from my job, with a beer in my hand and sand beneath my toes!

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