February 7, 2011

I take complete responsibility for the win

Beerman is completely hoarse, tired, and happy. He sat in the end zone, and actually got in the stadium on time and had a seat. (Something that apparently wasn't that common for a wide number of people). We're just happy that he's on his way home today. C-man can't WAIT for it to happen, because he knows he's going to get a Superbowl-related something or other. What a nice thing to have happen in boring, cold, snowy February.


Snowcatcher said...

CONGRATS!!! I KNEW last night, I just KNEW you'd have the best banner on the internet today! I am kind of surprised you didn't change your background and text colors to gold and green... :)

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! How cool he got to go...and got in! What a mess that was. Ug. Love the pics!