April 30, 2008
Half-way there

April 29, 2008
Blog Plugging
April 28, 2008
Whoa... is it Monday?

April 25, 2008
April 24, 2008
Another Fine Day
April 23, 2008
Holy Nice Day

April 22, 2008
April 21, 2008
April 20, 2008
Zoo Day
April 19, 2008
Jennifer Said It'd Be Like This...
April 18, 2008
An earthquake woke me up?
April 17, 2008
Baseball Fever Pitch
I don't know what's better, playing baseball with C-man until I have to make him come inside at an hour that most kids are already in their beds sleeping while he sobs because he wants "just one more pitch", or having him say, "Video this hit, mommy!" Fun stuff.
April 15, 2008
The Tax Man Cometh...
Since it's such a surly day, I thought I would list my most-hated words (in no particular order because I hate them so much):
- Verbiage: mostly I hate this, well, because it's not a word
- Basically: way overused, and if it's really that basic, then why are you saying it?
- Virtually: it's acceptable if talking about a virtual world, otherwise, forget it, you sound like a pompous ass
- Literally: As in, I literally can't stand this word. As if it would be figuratively?
- Planful, Impactful, or any other made up -ful word
- Utilize: What's wrong with use?
- Incorrect use of "myself": It's "ME" in the predicate, people, "I" in the subject. So, give that to Tom, Dick or ME! Myself is reflexive, so I gave that to myself.
Okay, enjoy your crappy day.
April 14, 2008
Mawkish Monday
April 13, 2008
Low Pressure = High Pressure

April 11, 2008
April 10, 2008
The Masters is On!

April 9, 2008
It's Hump Day...

I should still be home, on the couch, with hot chocolate in my hand and a crappy movie in the DVD player. Maybe a John Cusack flick or something equally bad. But alas, I am preparing myself to receive my final appraisal results. Beerman gave me this comic strip this morning in preparation: In other funny news, today is Beerman's first day of jury duty. He just shakes my head at my enthusiasm. I wanted to take his "first day of jury duty" picture, but he wouldn't let me. I did learn that if I ever get on jury duty, I can't knit. Apparently the needles are some horrible potential weapon. My cheapo needles almost break everytime I use them, but yeah, weaponry. Anyhow, Beerman's on jury duty, and I'm envious.
ETA: Beerman is officially Juror #10. Oooh, I'm sooo jealous!
In other birthday updates, I'm also in love with everything in this catalog.
April 8, 2008
Another day closer to the weekend
April 7, 2008
Monday Musings
April 6, 2008
S'more Weekend, Please!
April 4, 2008
Finishing Things
- Another piece of my latest knitting project. No, it's not completely done, since I have to completely re-do the first part I did, but one more part of it got crossed off the list over lunch, so I'm pleased.
- My daily trivia contest, and as of right now I'm in first place. I finished with everything correct in 32 seconds, so I'm guessing it should stick...
- The week. I love Fridays. It's when I start to think, "A whole weekend ahead of me, what will I do?" and then remember... I have a massage planned for Sunday! Delicious.
- Invitations for the baby shower are ordered. And they're quite cute. Who knew how many butt-ugly ones there are out there to wade through. I made the last ones, but who has time for that? Hitting "send" is just so much more practical.
- A major project at work that was due.
- My chai latte. Okay, not a great accomplishment, but it makes me happy, so I'm including it.
Here's hoping the Brewers finish San Francisco. The Brewers, the Brewers, they're turning up the heat, YEAH!
Enjoy your weekend. I'm hoping with the 60 degree weather to get outside a bit.
April 3, 2008
What do you mean you lost my car?!?!?
April 2, 2008
Is it only Wednesday?
April 1, 2008
April 1st