April 20, 2008

Zoo Day

On our last day before Beerman comes home, C-man and I decided to go hang out at the zoo. I don't know what it says about me as a parent that the happiest pictures I have of him are when he's eating his popcorn and his ice cream. Forget the fact that this was "lunch". Whatever, we had fun. ************************* I've now also come face-to-face with why it freaks people out when I meet them again after ages, and know minute details about their lives. It's not like I'm trying to stalk others, I just have a tendency to remember things about people that they say. I credit my 2 years in the political realm to this. As in, "Mr. Mayor, you remember Joe Smith from X Company." Anyhow, I bring this up because I ran into my rheumatologist at Trader Joe's yesterday. Now, I know I'm charming and stand out in a crowd (she says with sarcasm), but the man searched me out in the store, introduced me to his pregnant wife, and began asking questions about things I've apparently told him and almost no one else in the universe. He then proceeded to inform me that I haven't been to see him in 3 1/2 months, and I don't have anything on the books until June, and that is too long. "You should schedule something straight away, Jennifer!" Wh-wh-what?! He knows my appointment schedule!!! So either: A) I am such an incredible individual that no one could forget me B) I make quite an impression by sharing my life story with him when I rarely do that with anyone else (much to the chagrin of friends and family, I know) C) He's incredibly intelligent and I've chosen the right doctor I'm going with C. ************************* Beerman's on his way home, but is, of course, delayed in Minneapolis. Enjoy your Sunday!

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