October 28, 2009


I turn around this corner, onto the road that is slightly angled to the northwest, heading for the second house on the right on the second block, at least once a day for the past 8-ish years. But it wasn't until the other day, when I decided to go for a walk to try to unlock my back, that I realized how familiar this turn really feels, and how happy I am to make this turn. I know where the potholes, dips, and cracks are. I know where the road narrows a bit so that if a car is coming from the other way, you have to make sure to get extra far over to the right-hand side. I know which house is going to have a kid screaming down the driveway toward me, which one will have someone sitting out front waving as I pass, and which one will have a blind dog come tearing out after my car. And it got me to start thinking about all those other familiar things I do and see every day and take for granted. And it made things a little bit better. I'm not sure I'll make the turn toward home again without making at least a little sigh of contentment.

1 comment:

Snowcatcher said...

And at least for right now, you have beautiful color in the trees, as well! Nice post.