January 2, 2011

What day is it again?

I've been struggling with the whole New Years thing, because, well, it hasn't felt a bit like the new year.  I always love New Years.  I had my first date with Beerman on New Years and our first kiss at the stroke of midnight.  And I love do-overs, start-overs, new things, which just lends itself to a natural affection for the holiday.

But this past week, our house has been a complete mess.  Drywall dust, Durabond 90 spackleish stuff in my carpet, mud tracked everywhere, and saws going off constantly.  (And sewer gas disgustingly backing up in the master bath and therefore bedroom, which nobody can explain, but I refuse to believe is a coincidence with all the work having gone on)  So at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve, I was zonked out in my bed after having made a bunch of trips to pick up stuff for the workers, and after having eaten take and bake pizza with C-man in a less than celebratory way.  And then this weekend, we went to Chippewa Falls for "Christmas", so we spent 10 hours in the car with New Years being lost into yet another Christmas.

All of that together means internal clock and new year celebration is way off.  I haven't decided on any resolutions, haven't been able to start the fast I'd wanted to, and certainly don't feel "renewed" and "refreshed" like I'm supposed to when I'm getting ready to go to work after having been off for 10 days.

But enough with the grumbles.  Just know that's why I'll be declaring my resolutions later this week.  Right after I dig out from all this dust and debris.

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