January 31, 2011

My Rebel Fighter

After I emptied out the Star Wars items from last night's racing around the house as a Rebel Fighter who was blasting every Clone in sight alongside his trusty Wookie (Harry), I filled today's school backpack with: a nap towel, tennis shoes, spare dry mittens to wear for afternoon recess, 3 snacks (morning, afternoon and extended care), a baseball helmet (it's crazy hat day, of course) and the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with the appropriate page displaying pictures of the Oompa Loompas bookmarked for today's show and tell sponsored by the letter "O". (Let's see anyone else come up with THAT one!)

I still need to remember the extended care check to go with him tomorrow. Sigh... Attending K5 is hard work for me
The National Weather Service is predicting a "Paralyzing Blizzard" the next 3 days. I might be a little too excited about this. I think I'm going to go out and buy a new sled tonight so I don't have to share with C-man.
Tonight is kickboxing for our workout. It kicks my butt, but I'm still pretty excited about it. I hate running or other repetitive activities as exercise, so the idea of kicking some butt sounds entertaining.
The Super Bowl is exciting stuff. But at least as exciting was when I realized last night that pitchers and catchers report in 2 weeks. God Bless America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pic! Fun on the kickboxing! Stay warm - I ran around today just in case it is bad!