March 28, 2011

Favorite places

We all have our favorite places to go in our lives. Those places that find the calm inside us (Praia do Futuro, Fortaleza). Places that are beautiful and great fun (Brier Island, Nova Scotia). Places that just feel right (Luzern, Switzerland). I could go on and on and on all day on my favorite places to be and go around the world, and explain why they feel good to me.

But this one pictured is one of my favorites and happens to be the one closest to home. It's only a mile from my door, and then a long, steep walk down a pretty big hill. Rain or shine, cold or hot, it's always changing and always beautiful. And it somehow always seems to mirror my mood.

I love the old, broken piers and the texture they give to the endless water. Sometimes they're pieces of my photos. Sometimes, great solid spots for me to rest my tripod while I take photos of the super moon. Sometimes they're launching pads for a crazy little boy on a hot summer day. Sometimes they're beached whales while we're explorers. And sometimes, they're nice resting spots for me to sit on while I dangle my feet in the water.

I love this place, so close to my home. It calms me. It invigorates me. It is my favorite.

1 comment:

Mary Z said...

I'd never heard of Brier Island, NS, so had to go look. (We LOVE Nova Scotia.) We've been to Digby, but didn't know about Brier Island. We went to an Elderhostel on Grand Manan Island, NB, in 2009, and that's just west of Brier Is.