January 1, 2014

Here's to the Fourteens

It's a lovely day - the fluffy snow that won't stop falling, the temperatures that have warmed enough to allow for snow to fall and your face to be free of a covering, and the quiet that washes over everything when that happens. A perfect day to watch the new year begin - clean, quiet, and with family.

This year, I'm going to do my best to be a better person. A more patient person. To get there, I of course, have a few resolutions/goals/things I want to accomplish. So let's get to it.

  • I want to take the apiary (beekeeping) courses this year. I tried last year, but they moved the dates because of some crazy power outage, and they rescheduled the classes to when we were out of the country. So this year, I'm going to do it.
  • I will read more.
  • I will move more.
  • I will be more organized.
  • I would really like to be in a play. (I don't have this one as a definitive "must do" this year, because I need to find a play that fits my schedule and isn't a musical - not necessarily the easiest thing. But I'm going to be on the hunt, and if I can find one, I'm doing it.)
  • But most importantly, I want to love more. Give more of my time to those who need it and forgive those who have slighted or wronged me more quickly.
I'm ready for this year. Let's do this.

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