July 15, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

C-man took his Corey Hart poster from Sunday's Brewers game to school yesterday. Everywhere he went, he had to put it up. It was on the windows, on the fridge, in his hands... I took a picture to show how beat up it is, but the photo doesn't do it justice. What a funny little kid. *********** I had personal training last night. Trainer Chris is going to kill me. I'm certain of it. I'm actually paying a man to kill me. At one point he said, "I'm going to push you until you're ready to quit tonight." While I didn't vocalize it (because that would have meant a most certain death) I thought, 'How 'bout now?' Anyhow, my legs were still wobbly when I went to bed last night. I'm great today though, which means tomorrow's going to kill me! *********** And Brett Favre... you are dead to me.

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities

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