September 21, 2010

It's that time of year again

The geese are flying south, and I'm getting ornery.  Yup, despite the hot weather today, it must be fall.

Here are my gripes of the day:
  • If you break something, don't leave the garbage on the floor and then walk away for me to step on with my already sliced open foot from the broken glass in the basement that went through my shoe the other day and now doesn't want to heal because of all the crap medicine I'm on. It'll make me really mad. You know, hypothetically.
  • My employer donated a load of money to breast cancer. This is not my gripe at all. My gripe is that it now looks like pink threw up around here.  Because after all, nothing cures cancer like a pink lightbulb.
  • A doctor's rant about universal health care has gone a bit viral on Facebook, and I'm sick of it for 2 reasons. One- Viral chain letters are annoying.  Two- He contends that we don't have problem with our healthcare system, but a cultural crisis "in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on vices while refusing to take care of one's self, or heaven forbid, purchase health insurance."  As I open my monthly bill for $10,000, the result of something that had zero to do with how I did or did not take care of myself or the exorbitant amount I've paid on my health insurance premiums, I just find it offensive.  There will always be poverty in our country.  But the longer we let those people flounder, with low income and low education, without help (both of which don't place an emphasis on health care), we will have this problem. But to write a blanket, albeit more than slightly racist, letter about all health care based on the lowest common denominator, and then make me see it over and over and over again on Facebook?  Ugh! It's almost a reason to un-friend.
  • I can't find that German bread-apple-raisin recipe we had at Oktoberfest last year.  A friend kindly directed me to Ofenschlupfer.  It's close enough that I'm going to try it, but it still isn't it.  I emailed Zum Stiftl, the tent we were in last year, to see if they will tell me.  But since it's Oktoberfest, I doubt I'll get a response this week.
  • We got a call last night from C-man's Spanish teacher informing us that his Spanish class (which was supposed to start tonight) is canceled. I then had a 25 minute conversation with her - wait, conversation would imply a 2-way discussion - a 25 minute I-don't-know-what of this woman going on and on and on and on and on. I heard about every place she's ever been in her life over the past 40 years. And I'm not exaggerating. It was exhausting.
  • The woman has offered to teach him out of her home. Really? You want me to send my 5 year old to your home? Especially since I know think you're certifiable?  Getting Spanish lessons to my 5 year old shouldn't be this hard.  Seriously. "You quiero dos Coca Colas y dos hamburguesas, por favor." It's not that difficult!
  • A co-worker is all thrilled that she's figured out a time to bring her baby up from the daycare for me to see her today.  I've met this child before. And really, I kind of have to psych myself up to be thrilled for someone else and their babies.  I'm at work. I really don't have time for that.  I think I need to make a chiropractic appointment to get out of it.
Okay, I have more, but I'll leave that as enough for now.


Indigo said...

On that baby thing, you aren't the only one. Which I realize coming from me is a bit of a oxymoron because I brought my child to work with me for about 3 years and she gladly made friends with just about anyone who walked through the doors, however whenever a co-worker brings their baby to work I have to force myself to fake interest. A door to my cubical would make me happy. :)

And about that apple thingy, if Christine doesn't know and Zum Stiftl doesn't get back to you, then contact the people at the Journal who find out these recipes and publish them in the newspaper.

wineandroasts said...

That is ABSOLUTELY a reason to unFriend!