September 2, 2010

Thursday Thirteen Things that made me smile this week

  1. Red-winged blackbirds flying over our heads and hearing C-man say, "Look, they're flying for us!"
  2. Using my beautiful new washer and dryer
  3. Finally getting around to reading The Book Thief and totally loving it
  4. Going swimming after school
  5. C-man running around the store with his new light up flame shoes to show me how fast he is
  6. Eating fresh, sweet, drip-down-your-arms Michigan peaches
  7. Listening to Beerman tell me about all his Harry Potter research so he could better talk to C-man about it
  8. Listening to an ornery duck quack at the others every night on the river
  9. Realizing I only have a half-day of work on Friday
  10. Learning I could make my massage appointments online (I now have one at 1 p.m. Friday)
  11. Tremblay's fudge
  12. C-man telling me that I didn't have wrinkles, because my skin is so smooth
  13. Making a frog with C-man on his first day hour of school

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